<span class="resolved" aria-label="Resolved" title="Topic is resolved."></span>First-time configuration Errors
Replies: 2
I just purchased and installed Yoast SEO premium. However, it won’t let me start my data optimization, I will click the button and nothing will happen and then the button will go away and bring me to a blank page. It also has gotten rid of what Yoast looked like with the free version with the SEO analysis, colored dots, and places for slugs/keyphrases/etc. Now it just has a box with links but when I click on them nothing happens. Would love some help as I’ve tried uninstalling, reinstalling, Yoast Health plugin, uninstalling all plugins and seeing if it was still a problem (it was). The company I work for really relies on this and I’m trying to get it sorted so we can catch up on news stories for the day.
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