Excellent Plugin and Support – [Directorist – WordPress Business Directory Plugin with Classified Ads Listings] Review
I’ve been using Directorist for a while now for a project with entrepreneurs, and honestly, I couldn’t be happier. It’s super easy to set up and customize, plus it has tons of options to tweak it however you want.
What I love the most:
- Full customization: You can create really detailed directories with all the fields you need and super handy search filters. Perfect if, like me, you’re working with people who manage multiple businesses.
- Super intuitive: It’s easy to use and understand, both for admins and users. You don’t need to be a pro to get the most out of it!
- Plays nice with other plugins: I’m using it alongside an LMS to offer more value to entrepreneurs, and everything works together perfectly!
- Top-notch support: The team behind it is fantastic. They always reply quickly and help with any questions. It’s great when you get such good service.
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