
Can’t add new maps

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For the last few weeks I have been unable to add maps to new locations – I always see “Location not found”. Locations already created are showing google maps as normal (both dynamic and embedded).

I’ve done all the obvious things listed on the help page and elsewhere – checked that my Google API key is unrestricted and that it works on other sites, recreated the key from scratch in a different account, copied addresses verbatim from Google Maps, disabled all other plugins and switched to a stock theme, even made a clean wordpress site and installed events manager from scratch on that, viewed from a completely different machine and IP address. It’s 100% reproducible yet I don’t see any other recent complaints.

So, my question is: Can anyone else still get this to work? If so, how?

I’m running Events Manager 6.6.1 on WordPress 6.6.2 on Ubuntu 24.04.1 and PHP 8.3.10 if that makes any difference.

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