Slow re-indexing due to individual deleteObject
Thanks for the plugin – was working really well – but now seems to be very slow to index.
Initially the first index was very fast pushing 90k in about 30 minutes. Now I’ve made changes to the shared attributes via the algolia_post_attachment_shared_attributes
filter. I’ve ‘cleared’ the index via the Algolia dashbaord.
Upon re-indexing via the ‘autocomplete’ page in the wp-admin area – I can see hundreds of individual ‘deleteObject’ API requests logged. These seem to be hitting the batch endpoint, but only deleting one record at a time, which is slow.
This seems totally redundant – as the index could be cleared to remove all records?
Tracking through the plugin – it appears to be the update_post_records()
function in class-algolia-posts-index.php that checks if records are to be updated then deletes them.
Is there a way to bypass this – or to run a faster resync, like when I originally installed the plugin.
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