
Removing white space between…. items in a block? or is it a block?

Team, I am a newbie on wordpress so please be gentle.

I am trying to remove the white space between “News” and the “news item” that appears with a dark blue background, near the middle of the page.

I would like to do this directly in the advanced-add CSS area if possible as it is only a one time thing (that I know of).

My research has pointed to adding code like the following in that area, but alas, it is not working for my issue. My “new item” content is a unordered list within a block and the News header is an “h2”. Between the two is a short white line that I want to remove, or color the same as the background as a hack. It feels like it should be easy, but I haven’t solved it yet.

The code that I saw recommended was to add this to the “additional css” field. I’ve added this directly to each item and it did not work. I also tried adding it in appearance-additional CSS, then tried to reference from my blocks, but alas that did not work either. What am I missing here?

.no-vertical-margin { margin-bottom: 0 !important; margin-top: 0 !important; }

The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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