
Recurring Events | WordPress.org


Hi! Are recurring events available with the free version and pro version of EventPrime? (Or just pro version?) I ask because I tried to click the Repeat tab under Event Settings (for an individual event), and choose the Fridays in the settings rows that start with “First” and “Third” and “Last,” but it didn’t display correctly on the calendar itself. Instead it displayed as every Friday. Could you please tell me what I’m doing wrong, or if it’s something only available in the pro version? Thanks again for your time and help!

  • This topic was modified 12 minutes ago by sinkwriter. Reason: clarification


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این مطلب از سایت انجمن وردپرس گردآوری شده است و کلیه حقوق مطلق به انجمن وردپرس می باشد در صورت مغایرت و یا بروز مشکل اطلاع دهید تا حذف گردد

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