
Permalink Manager for WooCommerce – Prefix translation

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Hello, I am managing the website with 4 languages with WPML and using Premalink Manager for WooCommerce.

I would like to set “shop” prefix for products category. And I need this “shop” prefix to be translated in these 4 languages – pl(katalog),en(catalog),fr(catalogue),de(katalog). Pl is a primary language for the page.

It works for products – pl(oferta),en(offer),de(angebot),fr(offre).

Fot product category it shows “katalog” in all languages. And I need to mention that the most important thing to not show the”parent-category” in url.

I want to achive:
(FR) yourwebstie.com/catalogue/category

I’ve tried also Custom Permalinks for WooCommerce and it works has the same problem.

I am really hoping for some help.

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