On subpages menu sometimes goes off to the right of the display
This page works fine on desktop computers. On tablets, the menu goes off the right of the screen as much as two screen widths.
I’ve put some images in the following folder:
I’ve labeled each one.
#1 is a the category index for “Advice” it’s fine.
#2 is what is displayed on the tablet when the first link is clicked. This is wrong. I found several articles that display incorrectly this way.
#3 is what is displayed on the tablet for the second link. It is correct.
Please help with this. I’ve tried turning off all caching and optimization plugins with the same results. I tried turning off most plugins same result.
There is a second problem. If you look at image #2, you can see there is an image behind the menu bar. How can I make this image be under the menu bar? This second issue occurs on desktops and tablets and phones.
The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]
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