
Issue embedding Microsoft Bot-Framework into website

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I am trying to embed a Microsoft bot-framework bot into our website, however, I am running into an issue related to the library from Microsoft that is needed to make this embedding work. As a note, everything I am about to show below works perfectly fine locally.

<script crossorigin="anonymous" src="https://cdn.botframework.com/botframework-webchat/latest/webchat.js"></script>

The error we are getting is a syntax error within “webchat.js”, which again is an imported library and not my code.

The error encountered is this exactly: “Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ‘}’ webchat.js:2”

My chat widget code is working fine except for the embedding from Microsoft as it is returning the error above and not importing the library properly.

I tried adding my code to WordPress through two plugins: “WP Code” and “WP Coder” with the same error.

I have not encountered anyone else online with the issue and the only possible solution I found was to disable all other plugins, which did not work either.

Thanks for the help in advance, and as a reminder everything uploaded to WordPress was tested locally through basic HTML and JS and works fine.

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