
Has lots of issues – [Feed For TikTok Shop] Review


I’ve been using for over a month now. I’m still on a free trial of the full functionality. Here are the things I’ve noticed:

1. I have a large catalog (7000 items) and a complex category layout that is auto generated by my import feed (over 40 parent categories, some children going 4 deep).

Mapping products to tiktok categories is time consuming and must be done product by product since I can’t filter by woocommerce categories, as only 11 total are imported. Support has been a complete nightmare. They keep telling my they’re still syncing (but all the products and their categories are listed. It’s just the feed filter that doesn’t fully populate).

Speaking of support, there is no ticket system… just a chat with constantly rotating people that provide exactly zero help. Did I mention how unhelpful and unorganized the support is yet?

2. Not all of the product data syncs on change. For example, even with the toggle ON to sync all product data, the weights and sizes don’t sync (which are required for tiktok). I believe if these are present for the initial import they are there, but changes to them will not be reflected – and heaven forbid you don’t have them to begin with and have to add them manually on the feed instead of on your woocommerce shop. It’s horrible.

3. Callbacks during product update. I’ve never seen another feed system call back to my site after they are alerted to a change (like stock/price). As I said, I have a large catalog, and when the inventory update runs every night, I am suddenly getting hit with thousands of requests to wp-json for every product on my site, which triggers all the bot detection modes for any bot detection software you might have (including your default web server connections per peer limits). If I whitelist their IP, it consumes all CPU resources I’ll throw at it, and DOSs the site. I’ve tried slowing down the import rate to try to pace the callbacks, but they seem to have some batching on their side that still has issues. I have no issue with other catalog syncing plugins (Facebook, Pinterest).

4. Network error syncing orders from Tiktok. Usually these orders to end up coming through to woocommerce anyway, but they show as failed to sync in the feed dashboard. I’m sure this is related to the orders attempting to come in at the same time as the website is returning 403s to the inventory update caller, but I haven’t been able to confirm that this is truly the case. Attempting to resync during a time when they are NOT calling still fails – so once a failure is recorded, it’s not possible to clear. This is a smaller issue, since the orders still do eventually make it through, but it’s also pretty annoying.

I’ve reached out to support multiple times for these issues… for weeks, with no progress made. Hopefully as the product matures it will get better… especially since this seems to be the only plugin capable of syncing woocommerce to Tiktok shop, and is the only integration currently recommended by Tiktok. If you have a SMALL shop, I’m sure it will work great, but they definitely aren’t architected for scale.


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