Girth | WordPress.org
Hi Team,
Slight bug in the plugin. Girth is being the limiting factor for a domestic shipment, 140cm Girth is only a requirement for International shipment.
The restriction for domestic shipping is 0.25 cubic metres.
Workaround to get me by is below, however it would be nice to have this handled in the official code base.
// Min sizes - girth minimum is 16cm
$girth = ( round(wc_get_dimension($dimensions[0], 'cm', $from_dimension_unit)) + round(wc_get_dimension($dimensions[1], 'cm', $from_dimension_unit)) ) * 2;
$cubic_meters = (round(wc_get_dimension($dimensions[0], 'cm', $from_dimension_unit)) * round(wc_get_dimension($dimensions[1], 'cm', $from_dimension_unit)) * round(wc_get_dimension($dimensions[2], 'cm', $from_dimension_unit))) / 1000000;
if ($package['destination']['country'] == 'AU') {
if ($parcel['weight'] > 22 || $dimensions[2] > 105 || $cubic_meters > 0.25) {
$this->debug( wp_kses_post('Product ' . $item_id . ' has invalid weight/dimensions. Aborting. See http://auspost.com.au/personal/parcel-dimensions.html', 'wf_australia_post' ), 'error');
}elseif ($girth < 16 || $girth > 140) {
$this->debug(sprintf(__('Girth of the product should lie in between 16cm and 140cm. See http://auspost.com.au/personal/parcel-dimensions.html', 'wf_australia_post'), $item_id), 'error');
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