CF7 Text Field data causes fail to send to Google sheets?
I set up a contact form 7 form about 2 months ago which includes amongst other field, a text field for users to enter an address.
This form is sent to Google Sheets via the Integration for Contact Forms and Google Sheets plugin
It has worked fine up until recently but now whenever a user enters an address in the text field, the google submission fails with a (Invalid values[16][12]: list_value { } ) error
If i edit the form to remove the address data or reduce it to 1 line, it submits fine.
IE – this will fail:
1 High Street
1 High Street will succeed.
There are no special characters being used in the data, but reducing the data to a single line results in a successful submission (ie remove everything except the 1st line of the addresss)?
I have had 10 records succesfully work previosuly with the same config with multi line addresses but now they fail if they have multi lines?
The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]
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