
Buy restriction problem | WordPress.org


I’m trying to create a new product with woocommerce api. For my purpose I need to restrict the purchase of article to subscribed users (multiple subscription plans).

I’ve seen that a meta_data key named pms-purchase-restrict-subscription-plan with value of the subscription plan id is set to the product.

With the old product editor it work but it need to be done product by product

When I activate the new product editor

I see that in custom field

But if I try to change a value it’s not possible because the name of the meta_data is not unique

When I want to add multiple time the pms-purchase-restrict-subscription-plan with the api it’s not possible too.

My question is : How can I create a product with api and restrict the purchase of it to multiple subscription plans ?

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این مطلب از سایت انجمن وردپرس گردآوری شده است و کلیه حقوق مطلق به انجمن وردپرس می باشد در صورت مغایرت و یا بروز مشکل اطلاع دهید تا حذف گردد

منبع: انجمن وردپرس

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