
Block Theme Patterns not loading


ever since installing WP 6.6 there are problems with patterns in custom block themes.
I have been working for a while with custom block themes and have always created patterns in the theme through creating files within the folder “patterns”, such as “cover-with-text.php” and never had any issues having the patterns load in the backend in the pattern window within the gutenberg editor.

I noticed that some of the Block API properties for patterns are different now in the Twenty Twenty-Four theme, as here:

* Title: Hero
* Slug: twentytwentyfour/banner-hero
* Categories: banner, call-to-action, featured
* Viewport width: 1400
* Description: A hero section with a title, a paragraph, a CTA button, and an image.

Before there used to be keywords and no viewportWidth . I have changed my pattersn accordingly. But now whenever I add a new pattern it doesn’t show in the editor. Then while error logging and reloading, minutes later they appear for no apparent reason. Then the whole problem starts again when I add a new pattern.

I have not managed to debug the problem, can not find the reason and also do not know why sometimes they suddenly start loading/registering and sometimes they don’t. Changing priority in the hook where I add my custom categroy does nothing:

add_action('init', function () {

//**** Unregister Core Patterns ****/

//**** Register Pattern Category ****/
array('label' => 'Example')


What could be causing these issues? How can I make sure my patterns are being recognized and loaded without registering them through php directly?

Thanks and best regards

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