
Backups are broken. | WordPress.org


I made a post recently. Check the original.

I’ve discovered it’s not an issue that happens only with moving the folder directory of the web server from one drive to another, but also when you try to backup / migrate the site.
Again, I’ve had the same issue whereas the layout would be slightly different than it is originally.
This is what I got using a migration tool.

Note that some elements are broken and shouldn’t appear as so. Here is the original.

Since this issue is the same as I got trying to move to another drive, I assume that it is in fact not the migration tool that causes this.

Is this an issue with recent versions? Do I have to rollback in order to create backups and have the ability to migrate?

This situation concerns me.

  • This topic was modified 2 minutes ago by alemoth.
  • This topic was modified 40 seconds ago by alemoth.
  • This topic was modified 4 seconds ago by alemoth.


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