
affiliates links stop content from loading


2 issues:
1:On mobile devices the slider at the top of the page does not load when the link is an affiliate link on android

2: Now I have also added (with your help) code to a form that detects the ID number of the affiliate and adds it to a hidden form field

it works when there is a affiliate cookie in their browser BUT

recently twice now the ID number has shown up and the particular affiliate link (which is my test one) is not out there in the public yet. but the forms seem to pick up that affiliate ID number- its impossible as that particular link (which you have as the support staff) is not out there in the public eye- it was used simply to test it for my own purposes

the code used in the

<input type="hidden"  name="custom_6_value" value="<?php echo ( function_exists( 'slicewp_get_referrer_affiliate_id' ) ? slicewp_get_referrer_affiliate_id() : '0' ); ?>">

it works but its sometimes pulling an ID number when I have not even started the affiliate program as yet (I Have no affiliates)

The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]


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