Ads from WPdatatables make it seem like site is hacked….but I don’t know.
WP Data Tables is now showing ads on the backed of my page. This would not be a problem IF:
1- They actually had WPDataTables name in them!! I don’t know who these ads are from. All I see is “Download our bundle.” Bundle of what? This is a common method for Cross site scripting which could lead to my site getting hacked and all sorts of issues.
2- The “Don’t show again” button was actually clickable. I can’t close down this message which takes up a lot of my workable space on the backend. This again puts me on high alert.
Because of the issues above, I NOW HAVE TO DO AN ENTIRE SECURITY ANALYSIS OF MY SITE. Because I can’t just assume that this error was not actually malicious. Not saying it was malicious from WP DataTables side, but when issues like this are public, other hackers can take advantage and exploit them.
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