
space issue between blocks

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Hi everyone, I’m a graphic designer with extremely basic knowledge about coding and CSS.

I’m juste trying to fix one thing on my website, I would like the spacing between images and blocks to always be 9px, somehow I managed to do that on the home page but the margin is not consistent in other pages.

here the margin is good between images, always 9px between all blocks / images

here the margin is bigger between images as well as between text blocks below

when I looked at the chrome developper tool I noticed this :

:root {
–wp–custom–spacing–tw-small: 40px;
–wp–custom–spacing–tw-margin-medium: 48px;
–wp–custom–spacing–tw-medium: 60px;
–wp–custom–spacing–tw-large: 80px;
–wp–style–columns-gap-default: 32px;

I have spotted this, when I change the values from 48px to 9px and 60px to 9px manually in the developper tool, it works. But I have no idea how to implement it for real.

I use the theme “Dawson” and I have installed the extensions “Twentig” and “Duplicate Page” only

Any clue on how to fix my issue?

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