
Media upload not adding to sub-folders + Attribute copying error

I have been uploading images via the media multi-file uploader since the start. Files always go into their respective year/month sub-folders. However, newly uploaded files since 7/28/24 all went outside the sub-folders under “uploads” folder only. This looks not only messy but may create potential issues down the road. I read that may have to do with file permission but I have not changed anything and am hesitant to change the setting. Do you have experience with this?

Also, I use a plugin called “Auto Image Attributes From Filename With Bulk Updater” to copy the filenames to the image title, alt text & caption. Strangely after uploading some files, the copying doesn’t work and gives me “sflyproxy Version 1;” in all the fields for every uploaded file. Why did that happen?

I am not sure if these 2 issues are related. Nonetheless, this puts a hold on my website building. I hope all WordPress experts out there know the answers! Your help is appreciated.


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