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Wright Lucy


Just looked at log and saw this? any ideas please ?

— WPSTAGING Debug Logs

File: /home/cluster-sites/6/c/childrenshospitalpyjamas.co.uk/public_html/1691351007383/wp-content/uploads/wp-staging/logs/wpstg_debug_50916d5a9271aaa99985abd88b5deb94.log

Total file size: 321 B

Showing last: 8 KB

=== START ===

[WP STAGING Shutdown Function][E_ERROR][2023-08-17 19:47:48] Out of memory (allocated 123731968) (tried to allocate 1794048 bytes) – File: /home/cluster-sites/6/c/childrenshospitalpyjamas.co.uk/public_html/1691351007383/wp-includes/class-wp-scripts.php Line: 237 | Is it Fatal Error? Yes | Is it Thrown by WP STAGING? No

=== END ===


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