
Wordfence is causing error- How to remove the app completely


It will be a help on how to completely remove wordfence and fix the theme error

Post- Edit error

Message: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘setLocaleData’)
URL: https://revelationholidays.com/howrah-bridge-kolkata-west-bengal/?pagelayer-iframe=1&&pagelayer-live=1
Line: 1930
Column: 9
Error object: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘setLocaleData’)


Wordfence error

in (opens in new tab)at an unknown location at IP (opens in new tab)An unknown location at IP (opens in new tab)arrived from (opens in new tab)and left (opens in new tab)and tried to access a non-existent page visited was redirected when visiting was at was at logged in successfully as ““. logged out successfully. requested a password reset. attempted a failed login as ““. attempted a failed login using an invalid username ““. changed their password.(opens in new tab)

Invalid Date Invalid Date (NaN seconds ago)




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