Uploaded files disappear on order edit
Uploaded files get added to an order correctly upon first submission of the order to the cart, but when the user clicks on “edit options” from either within the Cart or the Checkout page, and is taken back to the product page to make order changes, the uploaded files are no longer attached to the product page.
- User makes all product option selections and enters all product text information into the form and uses your plugin to add multiple files to upload.
- User clicks “Add to Cart” button and is taken to the Cart page.
- User decides to make changes to the order, so the user clicks the “Edit Options” link.
- When the user is taken back to the product page, all text fields, radio buttons, check boxes, and swatch selections maintain their values from the original order, but the originally uploaded files no longer exist.
The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]
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