
Thumbnails just changed size . . .


Hi Dan,

As always, LOVE the plugin. Best plugin *evah*!

Building a new site. Using the exact same settings I’ve always used in all the installations. With this CSS:

document-icon img {
width: 500px !important;

Max Thumbnail dimensions set to 500 x 500.

But you can see the thumbnails are more 200 x 200. I’ve deleted the thumbnails, regenerated them, and yet I’m not getting anywhere.

What’s even stranger is that I went to one of the first sites I built, JUST to review the CSS and setup. After I saved the setup, all of THAT site’s thumbnails went to 200 x 200, too.

You can compare what I’ve always been able to display before today here:


I’m sure I’ve done something wrong, but for the life of me can’t figure out what. If you can point me in the correct direction, I’d be most appreciative.

The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]


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