The Events Calendar return the wrong start time
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I created an event with the date 2024-06-18 and start_time 8:00am on the Time Zone Europe/Brussels. The wordpress is set on Asia/Hong_Kong timezone.
if i get the start time like this
$event_timezone = Tribe__Events__Timezones::get_event_timezone_string($event_id);
var_dump(tribe_get_start_time($event_id, 'g:i A', $event_timezone));
I get the start date 12:00 AM
if i get it like this:
$wp_timezone = date_default_timezone_get();
var_dump(tribe_get_start_time($event_id, 'g:i A', $wp_timezone));
i get 6:00 AM
If i don’t specify the timezone parameter i get 12:00 AM
why i’m not getting 8:00am ? what am I’m doing wrong? is there a different field or what?
This does not make any sense. I disabled all the other plugin to take out of equation problems from other plugins.
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