
Start date “now” not working

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I’ve got an calendar item which is currently busy. Say the event is 13 oct 8.00-12.00hr, it’s now 13 oct 9.00. I would say the current event is still going so the Simple Calendar should show the event. But it’s not. It only show upcomming events. I guess if the starttime has passed, the event is hidden. Even if the event is still running about 9.00hr. It should show up, because the event ends at 12.00hr. If I change the view to show the full day, the event shows up. So all the data is comming into the plug-in.

Is it possible to make a running event show up until the end time has passed by? (event is 8.00-12.00, if it’s 7.00hr it shows because its in the future. At 9.00hr it still shows because the event is running till 12.00hr. When its 12.01 the event is over and not showing in the calendar)

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