Sonnar stick player error using shortcode.
Hey, Thanks for providing such a great product. I’m encountering an issue with the sticky player while using a shortcode. The details are as follows:I am using a custom shortcode to display the tracks of an author by querying the author's products and listing all the track IDs in the shortcode. The issue arises when I navigate to the second page or any page using pagination and click on a track to play. The sticky player throws an error and fails to play the track. However, it works perfectly on the first page.
I checked that all the tracks are present in the sticky player's AJAX preview, and the player is fetching the correct track index. I have also modified the code to ensure the correct index is passed. For example, when the next page starts from track 11, the sticky player correctly identifies the starting index. I made the changes in the following section of the iron-audioplayer.js file:
File Path: wp-content/plugins/sonaar-music-pro/public/js/iron-audioplayer/iron-audioplayer.js
//custom code start
playlist.find('li').each(function () {
//have to be loaded after listJsInit
var mytest = $(this).data('mp3-index');
console.log('mytest1', mytest);
setFrontendSingleTrack($(this), $(this).data('mp3-index'), trackNumberArray[$(this).data('mp3-index')], $audio_el, audioPlayer);
if (audioPlayer.hasClass('srp_has_customfields')) {
//custom code end
This is the shortcode I am currently using:"
echo do_shortcode('[sonaar_audioplayer elementor="true" titletag_soundwave="div" lazy_load="false" track_titletag_soundwave="" titletag_playlist="" hide_artwork="false" show_control_on_hover="false" show_playlist="true" reverse_tracklist="" show_album_market="true" hide_timeline="true" sticky_player="true" wave_color="#FDFDFB" wave_progress_color="#FFFFFF" spectro="" shuffle="" searchbar="" searchbar_placeholder="" player_layout="skin_boxed_tracklist" show_skip_bt="true" show_speed_bt="true" show_volume_bt="true" show_shuffle_bt="true" show_publish_date="false" force_cta_dl="default" force_cta_singlepost="false" force_cta_share="default" force_cta_favorite="true" cta_track_show_label="default" show_meta_duration="true" show_tracks_count="true" show_track_market="true" track_artwork_format="large" track_artwork="true" track_artwork_play_button="true" track_artwork_play_on_hover="true" use_play_label="default" hide_trackdesc="1" order="desc" orderby="date" album_store_position="top" show_track_publish_date="false" post_link="default" tracklist_layout="grid" grid_column_number="5,3,1" albums="' . $product_ids . '" custom_fields_columns="::product_cat::100px" tracks_per_page="10"]');
The error i am facing is in the media upload file. I am eagerly awaiting your talented team's assistance and would love to chat with them to resolve this issue. For reference, I am using Sonaar Pro.
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'querySelectorAll')
at Cn.albumStoreList (sonaarPlayer.js?ver=5.4:1340:58)
at pn.get (vue.min.js?ver=2.6.14:6:26867)
at pn.evaluate (vue.min.js?ver=2.6.14:6:28007)
at Cn.albumStoreList (vue.min.js?ver=2.6.14:6:29911)
at Object.setStickyFavButtons (iron-audioplayer.js?ver=5.4:5538:44)
at Cn.handleTrackChange (sonaarPlayer.js?ver=5.4:1166:24)
at Cn.currentTrack (sonaarPlayer.js?ver=5.4:1533:14)
at Be (vue.min.js?ver=2.6.14:6:11394)
at (vue.min.js?ver=2.6.14:6:27888)
at ln (vue.min.js?ver=2.6.14:6:25859)
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