Save function and visual stuff
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Hello Marc.
Congratulation for this terrific software, after some minor issues on the beginning, the configurator runs perfect and it is really fun to use it.
But now its time to make it work for the customer.
- “Save and send my configuration” Instead of the “add to cart” . People should just save and send their configuration to me (automaticly) and to themself in a PDF with all images of the perspectives and a list of the parts/materials/colours. This is important for the customer, dealer and for us as producer. I dont want to press the customer to create an account, that would be very annoying and counterproductive. Scenario : People have finished their configuration > The press now the button “Save and send configuration” > a prompt pops up > and they just type in their email adress hit the button send. Maybe with some words or a comment if they have questions etc…. ! I know I have to buy the add on “SAVE” and I will buy it, but it should do it like described above.
- “Visual stuff” You can see two screenshots with some markings and text. 1. Screenshot a: “Reset configuration” should be on the top of the right side. The same with Cam 1 and cam2 icons. I want to have the scene control completely on the right side. b: The header of the website is missing. to keep my CI this ist important. How can I get it back? How it should look like you can see on the second screenshot.
First screenshot.
Second screenshot
Sorry for so much stuff here. I hope it is not to much.
Best regards, Christoph.
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