Reload Socialize settings with code
Author of the Broadcast plugin here.
Is there a way to make the Socialize module reload its settings via code?
Background: the broadcast plugin copied posts from one site in a network to another. Each site in the network has its own socialize settings (another facebook page).
I would like to make Socialize reload its settings so that, during the post creation on each site, use the socialize settings from each site instead of the settings from the origin site.
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این مطلب از سایت انجمن وردپرس گردآوری شده است و کلیه حقوق مطلق به انجمن وردپرس می باشد در صورت مغایرت و یا بروز مشکل اطلاع دهید تا حذف گردد
منبع: انجمن وردپرس