Redirect wrong taxonomy url (amp)
Thanks for the great plugin. Using it for quite some time now. We used to use AMP and we redirected the old AMP urls to the normal urls. That went completely fine. For taxonomies, however, it doesn’t go quite right. In Google, for example, I see urls like: (Schould point to: /c/oudheid/romeinse-rijk/)
https://WEBSITE.COM/?nonamp=1&s&tag=berlijn%2Bkristallnacht%2Bherdenking%2Brotterdam&post_type=post,page (Should point to: /thema/berlijn/)
https://WEBSITE.COM/?amp=1&s=656&tag=veiling (Should point to: /thema/veiling/)
I find it quite complicated to redirect this properly, even after looking at your page of tips. Therefore my question. Do you guys have any suggestions?
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