Problem with submit button – even after recent update
Before Version 4.0.6, nothing happened every time I clicked the submit button except a popup of an icon with an exclamation mark and a button labeled “OK”.
After spending a day trying to find a workaround, I finally found a solution that allowed me to successfully submit the form. However, there are caveats:
- In the form’s Post Settings, the option Post Draft -> ‘Enable Saving as draft’ must be checked.
- In the form itself, I need to click the ‘Save Draft’ button first before clicking the ‘Submit’ button. Otherwise, I get that popup error.
- Ideally, after successful submission, users should be redirected to a confirmation page. However, with this workaround, the page just refreshes. So you can submit a new form if you want to. Thus, leaving users wondering if their submissions went through.
- The post status automatically goes to ‘Published’ instead of ‘Pending Review’, as originally intended. Even if you set it to ‘Draft’, it still automatically gets a ‘Published’ status.
With the recent update to Version 4.0.6, every time I click the submit button, I get this popup: “You are not allowed to use these words: !”
However, I do not use any exclamation marks anywhere in the form.
But when I used the workaround, clicking the Save Draft button first and then clicking the Submit button, the submission went through. It’s published right away even though it’s set to Pending Review.
In short, the recent update didn’t solve the problem.
Any thoughts? Also, does WP User Frontend reply to support tickets on their website?
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