Plugin Crashed due to die function
Hi Everyone,
I have installed WPcode and created a snippet and unfortunately I have added die() function in the first line of the snippet and because of this site got broke.
I have tried enabling safemode. But, still couldnt able to load the admin console to deactivate the snippet, I went to filemanage in my hosting panel and deleted plugin files and site started working. whenever I reinstall wpcode and activate it. My site is crashing. I have tried deleting some rows in my database from the posts table where this die() function is found.
After deleting the rows, I was able to access wpcode in safemode and while i check the snippets, there are zero snippets. But, still site is crashing, if i remove safemode.
How can I resolve this issue. because of this we were forced to use codesnippets plugin. But, wpcode is much more flexible compared to any other snippet plugins.
Can someone help me fix this issue.
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