Not advisable
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I have been using Polylang for several websites during the last 1 1/2 years. Recently I had a Client that needed the translation of his WooCommerce. I did not read the entire documentation before buying the WooCommerce liucense for 99€. I discovered only after the purchase that in order to translate the products I needed to duplicate all products and associate one by one to each corresponding product in the original language. This will require a week of work as the catalogue has more than 2000 products. There is no way to leave the products as they are and show them once they have the default language assigned. This is a very bad lack of feature for a product that costs quite a lot. The support told me that they did not accept my request of refund. I am not happy with this product especially because i do not agree with the fact that a company keeps the money of someone that has no possibility of using their product. As far as I know there is an European law reharding this type of behaviours, however I have not the time to investigate this further. I hope the European Commission and the assigned department will come to regulate the open source field as well, maybe with the helkp of the Autommatic as well. I wish all the luck to the Franchese Polylang team however as far as me, my company, my clients and my partners, their name will not be associated to a positive view.
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