
Membership product cannot be purchased. Please remove it from your cart.


I found a piece of code which return true always irrespective of whether there is membership product in the cart. Thats why we are unable to purchase membership products.

pmpro-woocommerce addon->includes/functions.php line 48.

 * Search the cart for previously selected membership product
 * @return bool
function pmprowoo_cart_has_membership() {
	global $pmprowoo_product_levels;
	$has_membership = false;
	$cart_items = is_object( WC()->cart ) ? WC()->cart->get_cart_contents() : array();
	foreach ( $cart_items as $cart_item ) {
		$has_membership = $has_membership || in_array( $cart_item['product_id'], array_keys( $pmprowoo_product_levels ) );
	return $has_membership;

$has_membership = $has_membership always returns true. Please change this. Thank you


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