
Masonry / grid settings stopped working again



I’ve been using your plugin for years without any problem (and I loved it), but now I’m having the same problem again with the Grid settings what I had 8 months ago.
No matter what I set up in Grid settings / view type, my post grids are doing something completey different.
On the page I linked above there’s theoretically a Masonry with 3 columns on desktop screen – instead I see 1 column. I tried to change the number of columns, gutter space, thumbnail image size, anything, it still appears in this awkward way.
here are some examples (all should have 3 masonry columns on desktop)

note: both wordpress (6.4.3) and the plugin (2.2.77) are updated, and I’m using the classic editor (via Disable Gutenberg plugin), so I’m using shortcodes for adding the post grids.

Do you have any idea what happened or how I could solve it? 

Thanks a lot in advance,

The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]


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