
Javascript disabled in orderbump fields at checkout

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Hello, first of all thank you for this amazing plugin.

I have a doubt, so far I have been using the plugin “Advanced Product Fields Pro for WooCommerce” by StudioWombat in my woocommerce and it has been working great for me to add custom fields.

I leave an example of a field I have:

In a product I have two options to customize a t-shirt:

None – Customize
If I choose customize, two fields are added to customize, which are name and number, everything works correctly.

Now I am using your plugin, Funnelkit Orderbump, to implement orderbumps in my checkout, the problem is this:

In the created orderbump, the product is added next to the fields: None – Custom, but when selecting any of the two options, nothing happens, when it should add the name and number fields when selecting Custom, it is as if the javascript of the custom fields is disabled in the checkout/orderbump.

I have verified with the element inspector that the “Name and number” fields are inside the orderbump, that is, in the html structure but they are in hidden and these should be shown when selecting Customize, adding the wapf-checked class, but as I said, it is as if the javascript is disabled in the checkout or specifically in the orderbump, is there any solution for this?


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