
Issues with Data | WordPress.org


I am finding the plugin JSON Content Importer very useful – thank you, but have a few isues:

  1. Some of the data although listed in the API does not display on my page. Two items that I cannot get to display correctly are: {pens.avgSpeed} and {pens.riders.club.name}
  2. If you check my page you will also see that the Time and Gap columns display time as seconds and milliseconds. the first example is in the Time column 2086.72 which is 34min 46.720 seconds. Is there a way for me to convert the number 2086.72 directly to the correct time (34:46.720) in the subloop {subloop-array:pens.riders:-1}?

API URL: https://www.zwiftracing.app/api/results/4233450

The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]


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