Issue Integrating reCAPTCHA V2 with Contact Form 7 after ussing before V3
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Hi, I’m having trouble integrating reCAPTCHA v2 into Contact Form 7 on a site. I think it’s related to the fact that I initially added reCAPTCHA v3, but in the end, it wasn’t the solution I needed. So, I created another setup with reCAPTCHA v2 + checkbox, as described in the Contact Form 7 documentation. However, after doing this, the contact form is no longer working.
What stands out to me is that it still says reCAPTCHA v3 (as shown in the image), even after I added the new keys for reCAPTCHA v2 + checkbox. Any solutions? I tried uninstalling Contact Form 7, but after reinstalling it, everything remained the same (it didn’t even delete the form I had created).
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