is this cookie from your plugin?
Both Digital Downloads and WP Simple Shopping Cart are capable of linking with Stripe but it’s not in use. I tried deactivating both plugins but it continues to show up in cookie scans. Is this from your plugin? In the process of making changes for the new “Google Consent Mode” we became aware of a cookie unrelated to either Google or the CookieYes banner, identified as ““, with no description and no category. It’s on the Appointments page, but apparently not connected with Acuity.
The CookieYes people annotate it with this: This cookie does not have a script URL pattern. It is required for blocking the cookie prior to obtaining user consent. I would like to either know how to give it a script URL pattern, description and category or how to locate it so it can be removed.
The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]
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