
Is it possible to use block bindings without PHP/custom code?


I’m super excited about the ability to use custom metadata in my block based layouts. My use case is to generate “listen” buttons for a music release, linking through to places like Bandcamp, Spotify, etc. The custom field data would be a string/URL.

When I checked in on block bindings in 6.5, my understanding was that you need to use PHP to register your custom field, expose in REST api, and make available for binding. And in the editor, you need to edit markup directly to add the binding (i.e. it’s not in the UI yet).

I see in 6.6 there are improvements, and you can now automatically save/persist changes from the editor. Cool!

What I want to know is – to use block bindings, do I still need to set it up in PHP (e.g. a plugin/snippet)? Or is it possible to use block bindings “code free” in 6.6?

Feel free to link me to GitHub to follow progress on this powerful feature ?


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