
Installing PHP | WordPress.org


The documentation says that if I’m using XAMPP, I should install the full version of PHP to get access to all the development tools/libraries.

I have no idea how to do that yet, but I found the website to download PHP. XAMPP is running 8.2.12. I thought I might need to download the same version that XAMPP is running, but the website doesn’t have that version.

  1. Does it matter if the versions are different, or should I get 8.3.6?
  2. Is it going to cause problems if I have both XAMPP and the full version installed?

Edit: I noticed the website has a development package (Development package (SDK to develop PHP extensions)), should I just get that instead of the ZIP or Debug Pack downloads?


  • This topic was modified 58 minutes ago by Ken. Reason: more info

The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]


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