
How to Disable Caching of PHP Code Snippet?


Good Day,

We are curently using the code snippet provided below to display a message on the front end of our website (i.e., contact page) indicating whether our business is open or not.

In order for the code snippet to work, we had to disable caching on our contact page.

Is there a way we can execute the code snippet provided below without the need to disable caching on our contact page? Say, via another code snippet integrating a JS/ajax call? (see example below for basic framework).

If you need more info, please ask ?

Thank you!


Code Snippet (Currently Using):

function business_hours_shortcode($atts) {
if (is_page ('contact')) {
// Set timezone - change this to match your own.

// An array of your opening hours.
$opening_hours = array(
'Monday' => array('07:30', '17:30'),
'Tuesday' => array('07:30', '17:30'),
'Wednesday' => array('07:30', '17:30'),
'Thursday' => array('07:30', '17:30'),
'Friday' => array('07:30', '17:30'),
'Saturday' => array('Closed'),
'Sunday' => array('Closed'),

// An array of your holidays (format: month/day - add zero before single-digit month or day)
$holidays = array('01/01', '05/26', '07/04', '07/05', '09/02', '11/11', '11/28', '11/29', '12/24', '12/25', '12/31');

// Get current date, day, and time.
$current_date = date('m/d');
$current_day = date('l');
$current_time = date('H:i');

// Get today's opening hours.
$today_hours = $opening_hours[$current_day];

// Check if today is a holiday.
if (in_array($current_date,$holidays)) {

// Check if we have opening hours for today.
if (!isset($today_hours) || count($today_hours) < 2) {
return 'CLOSED TODAY';

// Check if current time is between opening hours.
if ($current_time >= $today_hours[0] && $current_time <= $today_hours[1]) {
} else {
add_shortcode('business_hours', 'business_hours_shortcode');


Code Snippet to Prevent Caching of PHP Code (Example, Not Tested):

function disable_business_hours_caching() {
if (! is_page('contact')) {

add_action('wp_footer', 'disable_business_hours_caching');


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