
Help with line breaks on product description

Hello, I have a self hosted wordpress website and I’m trying to understand how the break lines are supposed to work, namely for product descriptions.

I’m using the basic editor and if I hit enter once in the wysiwyg view nothing is created in the HTML view. However, if I hit enter twice, a bigger space is created visually (not a problem) and a nbsp; is created in the HTML view.

When I render the page, I see the   is preserved, but of course, a white space is not a line break, so all my text is in one big row.

On the other hand, if I use the HTML view, add some
tags and publish/update the product immediately, I do get the line breaks in the page. I wouldn’t mind adding the tags mannually, but the problem is if I edit it and for some reason switch over to the HTML view again, the br tags are gone (understandably). But it’s very inconvenient.

What is the correct way to have line breaks in product descriptions?

Some more details: I have elementor and woo commerce plugins. I tried to disable most of my plugins looking for conflicts but nothing changed.

I looked up online for similar problems and I’m confused with the results I see, ranging from “this should work out of the box” to adding filters and changing functions in the theme php file. I’d like to have (please) a clear vision of what should be happening, and what is the best approach to have the line breaks working in the page and not going away if/when I edit the product.


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