
Feature request: filter adding custom attachments location


Hi James,

I noticed not all attachments are available when resending emails via your plugin. It just says: “An attachment was sent but it was not in the media library”.

I had hoped it would add my pdf attachment. These pdfs, in my case, are in a subfolder within the uploads folder.

A cool feature would be to create a filter function, that allows folks via a simple snippet to designate extra (sub)folders that your code would look in to find and add attachments to resending emails.

Something like:

add_filter( ‘wp_mail_catcher_resend_add_attachment_location’, ‘add_my_attachments’ );
function add_my_attachments( $locations) {
$locations[] = ‘uploads/pdfs/: ‘;
return $locations;

I hope you you will consider it.

Thanks a lot for your great plugin!


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