
Email status Queued for 5 – 10 minutes

Hi, only the email that is send to the client has status Queued for 5 – 10 minutes. Do you know why? Thank you!

site_url(): https://www.oleya.ro
home_url(): https://www.oleya.ro
Web Server: nginx/1.25.3
WordPress: 6.0
WP Locale: ro_RO
PHP: 7.4.33
PHP Memory Limit: 512M
WP Memory Limit: 40M
Memory Usage: 6 Mo
WP Max Upload Size: 256 Mo
PHP Time Limit: 300
PHP Error Log:
MySQL: 5.5.5
Database Name: oleya_ro
Table Prefix: wp_
ext/mysqli: yes
cURL: 7.68.0
OpenSSL: OpenSSL 1.1.1f 31 Mar 2020
fsockopen: Enabled
allow_url_fopen: Enabled
Zlib Compression: Enabled
Basic Auth: Disabled
Proxy: Disabled
Blocked External HTTP Requests: None

Send Mail Using SES: On
Enqueue Only: Off
Enable Open Tracking: Off
Enable Click Tracking: Off
Region: eu-west-1
Log Duration: 7
Instantly Remove Successfully Sent Emails From The Log: Off
Remove Successfully Re-sent Failed Emails From The Log (Pro only): Off

WP Cron: Disabled
Alternate WP Cron: Disabled
Last Run: 16:37:44 2024-07-09 UTC
Next Scheduled: 07:05:17 2024-07-06 UTC
Queued: 2
Failures: 3335

AWS_USE_EC2_IAM_ROLE: Not defined

WP_CONTENT_DIR: /home/oleya/webapps/oleya-ro/wp-content
WP_CONTENT_URL: https://www.oleya.ro/wp-content
UPLOADS: Not defined
WP_PLUGIN_DIR: /home/oleya/webapps/oleya-ro/wp-content/plugins
WP_PLUGIN_URL: https://www.oleya.ro/wp-content/plugins

Active Theme Name: Oleya
Active Theme Version: 3.0
Active Theme Folder: oleya
Parent Theme Name: Flatsome
Parent Theme Version: 3.15.4
Parent Theme Folder: flatsome

Active Plugins:
Advanced Woo Labels PRO (v1.27) by ILLID
City Dropdown for Woocommerce (v1.0.3) by Dabex
Cloudflare (v4.12.7) by Cloudflare, Inc.
Defender Pro (v2.8.3) by WPMU DEV
Disable Variable Product Price Range Woocommerce (v1.0) by Geek Web Solution
Easy Updates Manager (v9.0.12) by Easy Updates Manager Team
Editor clasic (v1.6.2) by Contributori WordPress
Facturare - Persoana Fizica sau Juridica (v1.1.2) by George Ciobanu
FlyingPress (v4.13.5) by FlyingWeb
Green Popups (formerly Layered Popups) (v7.33) by Halfdata, Inc.
Loco Translate (v2.6.1) by Tim Whitlock
NETOPIA Payments Payment Gateway (v1.3) by Netopia
PixelYourSite (v9.0.0) by PixelYourSite
Product Catalog Feed by PixelYourSite (v2.0.1) by PixelYourSite
Product Feed PRO for WooCommerce (v11.4.9) by AdTribes.io
SamedayCourier Shipping (v1.7.8) by SamedayCourier
Spam Destroyer (v2.1.3) by Ryan Hellyer
Use Any Font (v6.2.1) by Dnesscarkey
WP Offload SES Lite (v1.7.0) by Delicious Brains
WPC AJAX Add to Cart for WooCommerce (v1.4.0) by WPClever
WPC Frequently Bought Together for WooCommerce (Premium) (v3.2.5) by WPClever.net
WPC Grouped Product for WooCommerce (Premium) (v2.2.2) by WPClever.net
WooCommerce (v6.3.1) by Automattic
WooCommerce Email Customizer (v3.28) by cxThemes
WooCommerce Oblio (v1.0.21) by Oblio Software
WooCommerce Photo Reviews Premium (v1.3.10) by VillaTheme
WooCommerce Waitlist (v2.2.2) by Neil Pie
XL WooCommerce Sales Triggers (v2.10.0) by XLPlugins
YITH WooCommerce Points and Rewards Premium (v3.7.0) by YITH
YITH WooCommerce Wishlist (v3.7.0) by YITH
YellowPencil Pro (v7.5.6) by WaspThemes
Yoast SEO (v18.4.1) by Echipa Yoast

advanced-cache.php - advanced-cache.php

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منبع: انجمن وردپرس

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