
Elementor CSS Print Method (External File) not working


TL:DR; try to uncheck Disable Version Number under Disable Components.

I built a new landing page and was baffled when my Elementor CSS Print Method (External File) wasn’t working properly and Internal Embedding worked only. Tried disabling the custom font plugin; Use Any Font, and that wasn’t the issue. Tried disabling ASE and found that solved the issue when External File method was enabled.

Dug deeper by testing the ASE Optimizations options – not the issue. Tried testing the Disable Components options – found the culprit; Disable Version Number. For some reason, it affected the Elementor CSS regeneration.

I’m running: Elementor v3.24.3 , ASE v7.4.2 , Hello theme v3.1.1 , WP 6.6.2

  • This topic was modified 6 minutes ago by Danny.


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