
DomPurify breaks js minification

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The WP plugin easy-fancybox was recently updated to ver. 2.3.4 and suddenly breaks the Autoptimize js minifcation. I have enabled the option to use try / catch block, but still breaks with a bracket mismatch. The identified source, I had to exclude from js minifcation, was DOM purify js lib (tested with both version: bundled ver. 3.1.5 in easy fancybox and latest 3.1.7). https://github.com/cure53/DOMPurify/releases/tag/3.1.7

For the reference: link to my original support question from easy fancybox forum: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/ver-2-3-4-breaks-js-minification-using-plugin-autoptimize

Many thanks in advance for having a look into this.


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