
Changing the Slideshow Controls color


When you click on an image in the Gallery, the Lightbox slideshow comes up, but the controls in the upper bar are dark gray on black and barely visible. I’d like to change them to white or another color.

In looking at your site, I think the controls look fine, but that is just me! If you want to brighten it, you can add this to your Custom CSS:

.spl-header div { opacity: 1 }

I’d also like to be able to list both my Title and the Caption or Description to the slideshow overlay at the bottom (I am using images from my WP Media Library). Is there a way to do this as well? I assume I could edit the php file, but I’d rather not break things.

This is not possible, unfortunately. The issue here is one of consistency across various platforms – not all platforms support different types of descriptions, and not all lightboxes have the capability to display special markup in the title section (i.e., they cannot display a title in a style different from the rest of the description). While I have considered overhauling what is shown there, it is not high on my priority list due to the complexities involved.


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