
Changed DB password and site won’t load…

Title says most of it. I’m dealing with malware, so among many things, I did a clean install of WordPress — keeping all the data intact. During that process, I didn’t change any of the database credentials. It all went smoothly.

Today, I changed DB credentials, and now I can’t access my site. I made the change to wp-config.php as well. Is there something I’m missing?

I cleaned out the cache, so in that I’m now logged out, it still takes me to a blank page. No options to login.

EDIT: I can get to my dashboard just fine.

EDIT: When I change the name of the wp-config.php file, it does take me to the installation process.

  • This topic was modified 14 minutes ago by Jim R.
  • This topic was modified 11 minutes ago by Jim R.

The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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