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Hello, I am editing a post, when configuring the extract and the snippet I realize that when Google indexes the search engine Google indexes the extract and not what I put in the snippet, now I go to the entry configuration and in the section entries I see that it is configured with the variable %excerpt% which is for Google to index the extract, now my question, if when editing my post I put a text in the extract and then I edit the snippet extract and place another text as I do for change the options of not indexing the extract and if indexing what I wrote in the snippet extract, what variable is used for the snippet, I hope for your help… I’ll send you some images so you can understand me better, thank you…



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این مطلب از سایت انجمن وردپرس گردآوری شده است و کلیه حقوق مطلق به انجمن وردپرس می باشد در صورت مغایرت و یا بروز مشکل اطلاع دهید تا حذف گردد

منبع: انجمن وردپرس

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