
Can’t get into Customize + Weird color gradient

Hi everyone,

I’m experiencing an issue where I can no longer access the Customize feature on my website. This started after I installed a pre-made block and mistakenly agreed to a prompt stating, “This will override design, layout, and other settings of the page you’re working on.”

Since then, my website has encountered several problems, including unexpected pink gradient colors appearing on the homepage, particularly noticeable on mobile devices. Additionally, I’m unable to enter the Customize section; each time I try, I receive the error message: “There has been a critical error on this website. Please check your site admin email inbox for instructions.”

I use the ASTRA theme, but I noticed the pink gradient seems to be coming from the “Twenty Twenty-Four” theme, which was disabled at the time. When I re-enable the Twenty Twenty-Four theme, I can access the Customize section and see the gradient colors clearly associated with that theme. However, when I switch back to ASTRA, the pink gradient reappears, and I lose access to Customize again.

I’ve tried deactivating all my plugins one by one to troubleshoot the issue, but unfortunately, this didn’t resolve it. I also deleted all themes except ASTRA, including the default WordPress themes, suspecting a theme conflict, but the problem persists.

I’d appreciate any help or suggestions to resolve this issue.

You can view screenshots for better context here:

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